Saturday, April 21, 2007

the flaming lips

The Flaming Lips were amazing and beautiful, with Wayne being the wonderful gentleman that he is and a crowd of the happiest folks. With lazers, conffetti, balloons, lights- it looked like "a goddamn circus up there"- all loud with sweat, and inspiration, everyone singing and screaming our lungs to greeting smiles, high pitch! and low-pitch., peace signs and rock signs, plus slow sing-a-longs with piano-toothed faces.

Ta! Da! - racing! for prizes of blissful grins - tapsmir - the TEST began - all of it RAD and FREE, battling robots TWICE with beautiful Yoshimi, then tracing veins of stars with our own pointed lights, stravinsky?, and hopeful politics (Yeah Yeah Yeah we vented our frustration!), with Taps he rallied our hearts and spirits in somber reflection, but Superman! Pompeii eruptions- reminiscing about loving about Jelly - Then we realized! (everyone) Encore w/ CC II, THE W.A.N.D. motherfuckers! and finally, beautiful delicious spoonfuls of happiness that had us leaving, bodies weighted with tons of hope and

I've never seen a room of happier people, all just rocking out with the nicest dudes this side of the universe- The Flaming Lips.

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