Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Kerouac's style!

So i’m reading On the Road, and while i’m only about a third of the way through the book, and while there are probably many more interesting insights i could discuss inside and outside of its pages, i can’t help but share my excitement as i read Jack Kerouac’s style:

the way he creates the mind-set -
leaving questions unanswered
leaving nouns undescribed and adjectives floating in yer brain-space
illustrating entire events with short sentences that say nothing but say it all
catching little details and little motions and little moments and movements that seem sparse and scattered in the grand scheme of things, but convey so much!
And the excitement! (and the sadness) of the language! the jargon, the dialect

And All of it so simply and wildly-descriptive, telling the story of what happened- and putting you THERE!


Anglophile said...

i just wanted to share a kerouac book that i think is great.
please check out my blog i also have posts that cover other beat writers and poets alike.

jm! said...

hey thanks for the comment! your blog is awesome- "Eat, Sleep, & Read" sounds like the way to go. and that LibraryThing widget is great!

Anglophile said...

i totally love the librarything. i am glad you enjoyed the blog. happy reading!