Saturday, April 7, 2007

fortune cookie!

So me and my bros ate at a delish Chinese kitchen during the show last night and the nice folks gave us all sweet fortune cookies, mine reading:

"In life, it’s good not to get too comfortable."

Hey, i like it! it’s good to keep on the move, embrace change, challenge yourself, and constantly view things in a different perspective.

(it’s sort of optimistic isn’t it? almost promising change as change is inevitable)

My guitar teacher (who also happens to be Chinese) encourages us to "worry about not what you like, but what you don’t like", particularly when applied to viewing art, music, literature, film, etc. In other words, don’t get too comfortable with your own tastes, but strive to experience things that make you at least uncomfortable or even cause you to burn with hatred and disgust. And if you don’t like something, give reasons. Keep an open-mind and strive to understand things- "worry about not what you know, but what you don’t know". So i’m going to try and not get too comfortable, take a chance, and keep traveling.


"Learn Chinese- Baseball = Bang-qiu"
"Lucky Numbers- 40, 28, 33, 1, 41, 9"

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