Saturday, March 10, 2007


The following comes from a leaf in my moleskin journal inked a while back, but now i hope it might serve as a preface (NOTICE) for this blog:

so much
goes unwritten
but hopefully,
someday soon,
the recent states
of mind
and matter
the happenings
the [ ]
will be
over various (happy) mediums
live / recorded messages
to be received
and interpreted
by other antennas
(ha, as we lift our skinny fists)

my intent is that this blogspot might serve as one of those (happy) mediums. And while there indeed will be much that goes unwritten, i hope this corner of the web will become an outlet for me to share various thoughts, ideas, rants, writings, polished compositions, spontaneous shouts, pieces of junk, and words that might actually be saying something.

While I approach this endeavor with a mixture of apprehension as well as excitement, hesitation as well as enthusiasm, I hope that I might learn to sing this Song of Myself with the same spirit as Walt Whitman did when he wrote:

"I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,
Nature without check with original energy."

thank you to those who read, and to those who inspire me to write!

People are cool.

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